Katherine Aguirre
Deputy Director of Marketing
Katherine Aguirre is an ALM degree candidate in Psychology from Harvard Extension School and a professional communicator from PUCP (Peru). Her interests encompass various fields, such as marketing, design, psychology, and neuroscience. She considers herself a lifelong learner with a curious mind and a desire to make the world a more conscious place.
She started her academic journey in architecture, where she developed her design and research skills significantly. After three years of studies, she took a fulfilling path in audiovisual communication, which made her discover new artistic abilities such as photography, videography, and radio broadcasting. For almost a decade, Katherine worked for higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, start-up companies, and travel agencies. After a life-changing discovery during the pandemic, she decided to dedicate her time and effort to raising awareness of mental health illnesses and understanding the mind and how it impacts our behavior and cognitive functions.